
@18gooda haha yea I know what u mean! 


Goodness, your status right now… well, it's rather old so I should have noticed it before but when I saw it just now… that's just exactly how I'm feeling! Haha so weird seeing that just when I'm going through one of those times


Thanks for the vote on The Royal Thief! I hope you've enjoyed it so far! New chapter coming up in four or five days, hopefully 


Yay!! I love the story...everything about it is amazing; the creativity and the characters:) It just draws you in leaving you wanting more! It's an amazing story and I can't wait for the new chapter!


Hey Charli :) Thank you so much for following me! I am very socially awkward in reality too - big crowds and having to talk to ppl I don't know scare me to no end!


Yea same here. Every time I speak in front of people I turn bright red and my friends joke around about it. Haha its kinda embarrassing...