


I hope this doesn't come off as rude to you. I'm just having a hard time promoting my book, but if you could please give Olympia: Last Man Standing a chance, that would be appreciated. Thank you in advance ❤


Soooo. I recently worked up the courage to finally release my own music. (I’m also a singer/songwriter/ piano player) and I got two songs released and I started on my third and then I get freaking laryngitis and I cant talk now and I hate it... it’s killing me being unable to sing rn.


I love when ppl start harassing you about something that they dont know thats also not true. My ex-bsf was going around saying i said all this stuff abt him when I didn't, all because I asked him to leave me alone cuz i didn’t want to be around him as he was acting really creepy. So his sister, and this is where the problem starts, she comes up to me and starts attacking me, saying all this stuff and accusing me of doing stuff i didn't do. I turn around to look at her and I say to her, “idk where you heard that from but that isnt what happened at all so if you dont mind keeping yourself out of stuff that doesn’t involve you then id appreciate it. I didn’t do that, nor would i ever cuz i would never stoop that low and your brother isn’t  even worth it so idk what you’re talking about.” This is what REALLY made me mad, as soon as i turn to walk away, she starts talking badly abt me to her friend and going on abt what she was harassing me about, trying to make me look as bad as she could.
          So thank you to them both for this, because you know, its a great idea to harass a girl who you know is unstable and is struggling cuz hey, why not. Thank you for making me not want to get up in the morning even more than i already do and make me hate going to school even more than i already do. They both suck and if either one of them try talking to me again, i will not hold back, im gonna tell her what the deal is, cuz its not okay, like at all.


Well, I’ve officially lost all my friends... god I hate this...


@Legit_skyyyy I can be your friend


And finally, for once, it feels like everything will be okay


            Bruh best friends hurt. They always do. I really hope things get better for you . Been through the same crap, it feels pathetic. Also, so glad you feel better now. :) 


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@Abeeha_32 I’ve been going through some shit lately and I had to say goodbye to my best friend yesterday but then I got a message from someone and it made it all feel better 


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            Nothing is permanent. Not even the seemingly interminable shit 