
Long time no see! Wow. I haven't been on my account since the start of the pandemic. I have a confession to make...I forgot my password and every time I tried to log back in, I was sent to a secondary account. It was super frustrating, to say the least. I did see all the comments coming in from my email notifications, so I was happy that you all were still enjoying my stories. Aside from that, I've improved my writing skills immensely since then and have been reading some of the drafts I forgot about since I lost access to my account. I'm considering picking up from where I left off or editing some of the fanfictions you know and love and turning them into Kindle books. Nevertheless, I may have one or two BTS fanfictions left in me. I had another Vhope in my drafts (boarding school mystery romance) but if I don't like the direction of that story, I might choose another one instead. Do you have any ship suggestions? Maybe I should write a Jin ship in honor of his return soon. I miss writing for fun and just uploading when I got the writing bug. So, what do you say Burritos? Should I give it another go after all these years?


@skylarakasky Do you have a favorite Jin ship? 


@ skylarakasky  please do this
          	  And a Jinship would be awesome 
          	  I'm curious about it 


Long time no see! Wow. I haven't been on my account since the start of the pandemic. I have a confession to make...I forgot my password and every time I tried to log back in, I was sent to a secondary account. It was super frustrating, to say the least. I did see all the comments coming in from my email notifications, so I was happy that you all were still enjoying my stories. Aside from that, I've improved my writing skills immensely since then and have been reading some of the drafts I forgot about since I lost access to my account. I'm considering picking up from where I left off or editing some of the fanfictions you know and love and turning them into Kindle books. Nevertheless, I may have one or two BTS fanfictions left in me. I had another Vhope in my drafts (boarding school mystery romance) but if I don't like the direction of that story, I might choose another one instead. Do you have any ship suggestions? Maybe I should write a Jin ship in honor of his return soon. I miss writing for fun and just uploading when I got the writing bug. So, what do you say Burritos? Should I give it another go after all these years?


@skylarakasky Do you have a favorite Jin ship? 


@ skylarakasky  please do this
            And a Jinship would be awesome 
            I'm curious about it 


Hey Author-nim I just finished reading ur "My Tease". I had been added it to my library for a while but somehow I couldn't read it. Today I started to read it and u won't believe how much I regret not reading it earlier. So I just want to say u had done amazing job writing that book and I just check out ur other books. Now I'm on my way to read "Care for me". I will come back after reading it. Good luck on your future works Author-nim!!! 
                -Your new Burrito ;) -


@hognob2001  aww thank you Burrito! I really cherish all of my BTS fanfics. I'm glad you love them so much


Hey it's been a while, but if I were to write another BTS pairing, what ship should it be?


I'll keep these all in mind ;)


As long as Hoseok or Namjoon’s the bottom hdksnsjskskaksdbsiob


I’d literally read anything you make


Hi Burritos! I revised the chapter in My Tease named Got To Love Exes because I really didn't like the back story I gave Namjoon. If you want to view the revised version you might have to reload My Tease~ hope you all enjoy it. ❤




@skylarakaskyol nah, I've tried and I just can't


@PepparKK maybe my books will change your mind ; )


@skylarakasky, you know what's funny? 
            I don't like reading gay books. It doesn't mean that I have a thing against gays, its just awkward for me. 