Wow...That's all I can say. My fanfiction RRWBBY has reached almost 400 reads! That's more than I've ever gotten before. And I'm very happy, I seriously cannot thank the few people that have read my story enough. Unfortunately, I am a VERY picky person and I change my mind about things a lot, I also get bored very fast. And I've been writing this story for a while and gone through the thick of the plot and now I'm just kind of...bored. RWBY is in a weird place for me right now, some episodes are good, others not. But the point is, I think I'm going to stop writing RRWBBY...I still have ideas and things that would happen. But that's the problem, the ideas that I've made contrast against the actual show, and I just down know how or why I should try to patch them in. So, unfortunately, I believe I'm going to stop writing it. I might visit the story later on, I might not. But I never run out of ideas, so stay tuned, there's always more to come. I think my next thing is going to be an AU story, it would be my first.