hey awesome story here
check out Protector of the Night by @Sassysmartgurl93 and fantasy343. these girls know how to write!!!!!!!!=]
The night calls to him—but only to beg for his protection. Carson Valor has seen the damages that the creatures of the night have brought to humankind and valued that he would become nothing short of the defender of the helpless in his attempts to rid the world of the dreaded blood sucking fends lurking in the shadows. He has come a long way in his young twenty-one years of life and is feared by many of the horrid killers he hates so desperately. He fights along side of the vampires’ sworn enemies and together the nights seem to be getting more safe—or one would think. However, dangers only seem to be increasing. More deaths are occurring and numerous bizarre rumors of unheard of beasts lurking dark shadows have been floating about the lands. Carson travels into the heart of the undead’s known territory in search of answers, but will what he discovers only lead to his dismay?