
This is a coordinated monthly test of the broadcast stations of your area. Equipment that can quickly warn you during emergencies is being tested. If this had been an actual emergency, such as an AMBER Alert, a toxic material release, a tornado, or any other emergency that would put your safety at risk, official messages would have followed the alert tones. This concludes this test of the Emergency Alert System.


@ashthaenbyweeb Please send me fake alerts through here lmfao


This is a coordinated monthly test of the broadcast stations of your area. Equipment that can quickly warn you during emergencies is being tested. If this had been an actual emergency, such as an AMBER Alert, a toxic material release, a tornado, or any other emergency that would put your safety at risk, official messages would have followed the alert tones. This concludes this test of the Emergency Alert System.


@ashthaenbyweeb Please send me fake alerts through here lmfao