this message may be offensive
To make a few things clear before I leave: - I still support Dream, and have throughout this whole thing. I've mentioned once on here that I did so, before I started to drift out, and I stand by it, and will continue to do so. A lot of this shit that's been alleged has no evidence, and honestly never has. - On top of this, I still stand with most of the rest of the old SMP. Some of them I think aren't particularly who I thought they were, so I don't really want to stand by them, but 90% of them have only grown since leaving, finding their own passions without feeling tied down by the DSMP and I love that for them. (e.g. Tommy and his shows, Tubnet, QSMP, Wilbur and Lovejoy) - I'm going to remain active on here, even just mildly. I'm going to stop posting content, yes, but that won't mean I'm leaving. I'm sorry to anyone who asked for anything (Discord invites, writing advice etc.) that I didn't respond to, but if you want advice now, I'm happy to give it, as my writings very much improved. The stories are going to stay up, as will the account, just be notified that they're all not being updated anymore. To the lovely person who saw me through a comment section a few times then proceeded to follow me, you're truly amazing, simply because you brought me back to this fandom and gave me even just a little hope to start watching things like QSMP and Tommy's vlogs again, Dreams new content, all those things. You didn't even mean to, but it meant the world to me. Goodbye my lovelies, have wonderful, happy lives, and I love you all so very much ❤️