
“The fact that you have a place where you can return home, will lead you to happiness. That is a good fact.” 
          	– Kaworu Nagisa


"Just because you keep trying to do the right thing, doesn't mean you're guaranteed a happy ending..."
          - Junko Kaname
          This is stop for a nice Sunday Afternoon. It is currently 8:40 PM and I will be heading out to school tomorrow! Hope you all have a wonderful night/evening/day/afternoon/etc! Night night my sweet little munchkins <3


this message may be offensive
i had a mental introverted breakdown when i accidentally said "8" instead of "13" in a discord server, and i just rolled with it before someone said:
          your suppose to be 13.
          never have i felt like the fucking sonic character from sonic the hedgehog in my life


and up**