
everyone i know a lot of you probably wondering we’re I been or probably wondering why I haven’t uploaded in a long time, but right now I recently heard of somethings and I thought everyone should know, I just founded out that after 21 years roosters teeth is officially shutting down, they will be officially shutting down after the release/conclusion of the last season of red vs blue


everyone i know a lot of you probably wondering we’re I been or probably wondering why I haven’t uploaded in a long time, but right now I recently heard of somethings and I thought everyone should know, I just founded out that after 21 years roosters teeth is officially shutting down, they will be officially shutting down after the release/conclusion of the last season of red vs blue


Hello everyone your probably wondering what happened and why I deleted everything from my Wattpad account.
          To make a long story short I couldn’t handle Wattpad glitch and it last major one. Deleted over 50 stories I had worked and saved. 
          So I couldn’t handle losing over four years of work gone. So I decided to move over to FanFiction.Net we’re I’m currently working on a few projects 
          If anyone is interested in checking them out. Then please look up Slctexcen123 or if you can’t find it I’ll leave a link to anyone who interested in checking them out. 


A young man's life changes when one night his is bitten and transformed into werewolves. Now gifted with this new life, he must protect his home and his loved ones from a mysterious treat that terrorized his home. (Set within the same world as full moon high by Stoneman85 on FanFiction.Net)


Hello everyone. I know I’ve been gone for a very long time and I’ve had a good reason. I was getting sick of people on Wattpad who were…let just say not nice. And also I was extremely pissed that it deleted my hard work that I worked on for god know how long……I’m here to say one thing……IM BACK SUCKERS!!!!!
          That’s right I’m back to upload stuff to here. To clarify I will cross posting my main stuff from here and my FanFiction.Net account. And vice veras. I wasn’t originally going to do this. But I’ve started to think. And this was the place I first started. The place I uploaded my first ever story.  And so I’ve decided to return to we’re it all began. Now to clarify update time will very mostly because I want to take my time and not burn myself out. And so be on the lookout for some amazing stories 


Yuya branwen was the younger half brother of ruby and yang, he was born from a drunken mistake by his mother, but she didn't care she loved him with all of her heart, but after she disappeared and his birth father started visiting less, his stepdad and his sister would abused him so much, his mind shattered creating five other personality, the first three he calls them his brother and his family, but his last one is pure evil and cruel, he knows as the demon, what happens when yuya finally snapped and his powers awaken


Hello everyone and your probably sick and tired of me for making you all wait for update on my works. And I have been working extremely hard on the prologue for seventh soul which will be the longest prologue because I will be showing two side of the story In one prologue which probably means it will probably be around 10000 words or even more. I’m extremely sorry for making you all wait this long 


Hello everyone. My name is Slctexcen and I’ve been thinking about doing oc commissions for two reasons. To make some extra cash and to help people with creating their own yugioh cards. major rules: One person can take one slot at a time, also you can commission three cards at a time, but you must pay for each.   If you would like for the cards to use your own image, name or effects, that fine, but major rule, I will not use any else artworks unless they permit it.   And lastly do.... Not .... RUSH ME!! Sorry but this is a major rule for me, do not ask. "What's taking so long" or "are they done yet" creating yugioh cards isn't easy as it seems and it takes a lot of time to make sure nothing is wrong. You do so, I'll simply work slower on your cards  Now I can only work on commissions on my free time. Or whenever I have some extra time. I have work and a life outside of deviantart.   When commissioning me, make sure you know what you want. Constant changes only slows things down. For this I will only be changing five dollars per card. If you would like to commissions from me. Please make out my deviantart account