hey all you funky peeps i dont contribute much to this site usually and i dont have many followers but i just wanted to say that every time i come onto this site i have at least 1 notification that makes me smile and i care about every single person who reads this and everyone who doesn't... if you're feeling alone, sad, stressed, hurt, overwhelmed, unloved, or forgotten i want you to know that, while it is completely valid to feel that way, it will pass and i love you and im here for you and i care, just like so many other people. you are an amazing, kind, thoughtful, important, worthy, loving, beautiful, unique, precious, strong, glorious human being. the world is a much better place with you in it. again, i love each and every one of you. if you need or want someone to talk to, i love listening and im here to root for you no matter what. goodnight/morning/whenever beautiful people <3 <3 <3