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SPOILERS FOR THE ENDING IF YOU DON'T KNOW IT Aight I have something I have to get off my chest I absolutely detest the ending of aot it makes me so mad how this amazing series about freedom racism and such gets watered down to a love story and the Ymir being in love with fritz was such a shitty twist they could've done it like aotnr did and made it that Ymir had no other purpose in life and the way Annie gets forgiven so easily by both the fandom and the characters your telling me Levi is hell bent on killing Zeke but not Annie who slaughtered so many of his comrades and the og levi squad but nope she gets forgiven cuz she ate pie cute and she didn't even regret it or get punished for it like reiner and birth control she literally says she would do it all over again and Mikasa isn't even a parallel to ymir because for that we'd be comparing fritz to Eren and Eren may be cruel for the genocide but he is in no way Like fritz and I personally don't care for ships that much in AOT but Eren and historia made sense they would contribute something to the plot and Eren with Mikasa is the shittiest ship I've seen in a while have we even seen those two have a proper conversation? Eren and historia having the child would make more sense than historia having a kid with some random ass farmer and they assassinated Armin and hange's characters so terribly in the final season they both were geniuses but Armin does nothing in the final season I absolutely adored Armin until the last season honestly I'm glad Erwin wasn't brought back the assassination of his character would've hurt too much and Hange had three fucking years to think up something and the mere existence of the alliance is infuriating they are fighting against Eren for the moral high ground like bitch without this genocide the world will destroy paradise which is exactly what happened I have so many more points but the word limit is running out so yea that's it