
I quite like your one book so far. However before I do start to follow anyone I like to make sure I would enjoy all of their writing. Old and new. With this n mind I notice you have one that been publish my question is are you planning on writing more. No offense but I do have a hard time getting in some books and some times I can read one book from one author than get another book by the same author and can not read that book. So before I start reading I try and read at least four or five of their stories so I know for sure I enjoy their work and so I do not loose interest. Ths way it benefits all parties involve. Do not let what I said bring you down you have a great writing style and keep writing. I was just saying that I go through a system that works for me. Because of this I only am currently following a hand full of people. So keep a smile on and continue on writing no matter what others say. 


@bairdea0507  I like how your organized and have technique's to get what you want


@XxBTS-LOVERxX  yes I do and it is one of the only ways I can find authors I can enjoy.


@bairdea0507 damn, you have a system on reading books