180 degrees
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; OC HEADCANNONS ! CHARACTER THREAD ( feeling too lazy to post them in the smb so hehe ) O1) he gets VERY oversensitive near bugs and gooey substances. O2) hates getting dirty, is a bit of a clean freak. O3) is actually strong but doesn't look like it. O4) but is a little frail too because of health issues. O5) sucks at comforting others but still helps them out of pity. O6) has scars covering the majority of his body. with some being from the hard punishments he goes through and some from self harm. O7) is actually a big softie who hasn't cried in fron of anyone since a lot of years so if anyone wants a crying session then hmu. O8) hates animals. is actually scared of them. O9) has a knack for sleeping and eating spicy food. annoying the guards is a necessity too. 1O) loves hugs and cuddles a LOT but never asks for them. more to be added soon !
180 degrees
; OC HEADCANNONS ! CHARACTER THREAD ( feeling too lazy to post them in the smb so hehe ) O1) he gets VERY oversensitive near bugs and gooey substances. O2) hates getting dirty, is a bit of a clean freak. O3) is actually strong but doesn't look like it. O4) but is a little frail too because of health issues. O5) sucks at comforting others but still helps them out of pity. O6) has scars covering the majority of his body. with some being from the hard punishments he goes through and some from self harm. O7) is actually a big softie who hasn't cried in fron of anyone since a lot of years so if anyone wants a crying session then hmu. O8) hates animals. is actually scared of them. O9) has a knack for sleeping and eating spicy food. annoying the guards is a necessity too. 1O) loves hugs and cuddles a LOT but never asks for them. more to be added soon !
&&. @STOICISMS ; ALTERED THE REPLY A LITTLE BECAUSE WHY NOT * he gaze fell down to the purple marks covering his arms, some of them fresh and red. he pulled down his sleeves to hide them. it was a relief that the guard had only seen these injuries, who knows just how many questions he'd ask him had he seen all the other marks covering his body. * i will . anything else ?
&&. @STOICISMS , .. it's not from a fight between us . i have a seperate room anyways .
&&. @STOICISMS , y— yeah . ( hell if i am telling you from where i got them . please go away . )
&&. @STOICISMS ; okok lol from .. training .
" What are you doing sleeping here ? " A sigh came out from the guard, seeing the red-haired inmate lying on the floor in the courtyard (with the least infected insects by the way). God, this is like the umpteenth time already. How silly and how childish of him, it really reminded him of- ( the old days, huh ? ) His eyebrows furrowed at the voice in his head. Crap, not now. Not in front of someone else. This isn't the time to be all depressive. He already did this stuff in his room yesterday, it should be fine by now . He was supposed to be the usual happy and loud trainer. He shouldn't get all sad all of the sudden, this wasn't like him. So he vigorously shook his head and stretched out a hand to the male with a (slightly forced) smile . " C'mon, let's get you up and- " Tears . Dripping quietly off his amber orbs .
&&. @cxduceus , he stared at his retreating back without a word and only followed once he was out of sight. making his way quietly into a secluded room far back down the hall, he entered the room and closed the door behind him. it was time after all, for his monthly— more like weekly now— punishments. ; wADDLE WADDLE WADDLING
He let out a low hum before grabbing his hand, getting up and dusting the dirt off. " Alright then, just don't try to escape or anything. You and I will both be in h u g e trouble . " He joked, patting the other's shoulder. He was sure that Leon wouldn't try anything suspicious, and if he did then it's a minute-long handstand for him . " Once again, thank you . " He left the inmate and the courtyard, walking down the hallway before stopping. He reached into his pocket . A crumpled origami crane . " ... But I can't throw him away . " //; and he waddled away, waddle waddle - *kicked*
&&. @cxduceus , he didn't answer, only hung his head low and stared at the ground, his lower lip quivered slightly, but he had managed to contain himself for the while. with a deep breath, he looked up again at the other with his usual neutral expression. ‘ i'll go on my own . ’ he said, getting up and dusted off the dust from his clothes. he wasn't going to let the other see where he was actually about to head next so might as well fake it up. he wasn't going to return to his room just yet. ‘ haha very funny . you need some rest , you look tired . ’ he mused, offering the other a hand.
hey leon , are there any activities you really enjoy doing ? or want to try out ?
♯ @vavigrl . xiaa , this is one of my chirren , angel. angle , this is ur other mom :)
THERE WERE TIMES when even the ever so stoic ravenette felt the need to joke around and wreak chaos all day, and this was one of those instances. strangely enough, however, it was as if none of the other inmates felt as chaotic as he was, and definitely did NOT want to put up with him while he acted like he was either high, drunk, or bothㅡ although, of course, he was sober.. but very very hyper. upon realizing that there was nobody else to bother, the jet black haired male mustered up a sigh. how was he supposed to mess around with people if they wouldn't even bother talking to him for more than five minutes today? with a frown on his face, the male trudged over to his cell, a defeated expression painted on his usually stoic face. until he caught sight of a certain redhead. feeling rather chaotic ( despite knowing the other would probably shoo him away ), he made his way over to the usually tired man. ' pst, leon, leonㅡ do you think that chickens can actually fly, but they just don't want people to know that they do?' he paused, another idea formulating in his head. ' what if they fly during the night? ' ♯ this sucks more ass than i do, but here's a chaotic one, bb child. <3
dead chickens .. was the redhead being serious, or was he being sarcastic? whichever it was, romanov was NOT doing anything with deceased animalsㅡ the mere thought of it disgusted him. sure, he might have issues, but messing with dead animals? no, thanks. the only thing he'd do with those dead chickens is ask someone to cook it for him ( as he was , to put it nicely , hopeless in the kitchen ) , and then eat them afterwards. ' that's revolting, ' he remarked, his expression going from cheerful && in the mood to mess around, to disgusted and disappointed. of course, he didn't expect the other male to actually go along with him and his random ass joking, but c'monㅡ did he have to shoot him down like that, and so early in the conversation? ' i'd rather have live chickensㅡ they'd make for great companions. plus, i don't think dead chickens can do much.. especially not flying, ' if there was one thing romanov enjoyed more than messing around and bullying the other inmates, it was seeing their annoyed expressions whenever he did so. and seeing leon look irritated at him? now THAT made hin want to keep going. ' whatever i want? so if i wanted to , let's say .. ' he trailed off, before snapping his fingers and smiling slyly at the other. ' follow you around all day and keep talking about random stuff .. ' was this where he would die? in prison, because he annoyed one of the inmates? yeah, he could live with that. that didn't sound too bad, actually. better than dying of old ageㅡ that was the most boring way to go.
&&. @stoicremarks , he sat up straight once he was done speaking, and undid his hair to tie them up properly once again. it had become had a habit for him to tie his hair from time to time, whether they were already neatly in place or not. sighing, he rested his cheek on his hand and listened to the other, nodding absent-mindedly at his words. he was beginning to wonder if he had become a magnet for attracting all these people to trouble him. why did he even bother with them? it was even exhausting to think about this. ‘ there are dead chickens in the kitchen. ’ he commented, his glare softened to a mere bored gaze and he pushed back his bangs. dead chickens were obviously of no use to the other but hey, chickens are chickens, dead or alive doesn't make much difference. or does it? and he was again thinking about chickens of all things, he was definitely going mad. ‘ then don't ask for one if you know that you'll not get anything. ’ he said, shaking his head. his expressions only got worse at the other's childish look and his eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. was he not going to leave? and enjoy? romanov was seriously enjoying this prison? god, why was he meeting these type of people almost daily. it disgusted him to think of this prison as even a decent place. ‘ .. do whatever you want . ’ ; yes yes uwu it's okayyyy ! <33
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