
Hey my fellow wattpadians,
          	How are you all? It's been so long. 
          	Just noticed I'm an addict and you're my crossed 1M reads. Masha Allah ❤️♥️
          	Wanted to know if anyone's reading it right now? Because I've been thinking of taking it down to edit and make some needed changes. (But then, I also think about the MaiRim's books, which I took down for the same reason and still couldn't find enough time to rewrite it) What do you say?


@slow_learner congratulations but please don't take it down without completing other editing works please a sincere request


Please don’t take it down..


@slow_learner hey when are you going to update you're mine?


Hey, hope you are doing well... 
          May I know if you would be re updating MaiRim's story as well ? (I'm really curious about Arim preparing for Accounts exam in MBBS... ) 


@Ashkachu10 you made my day. Thank you❤️


@slow_learner oh... That's totally your call author jii
            Right after I had finished reading the epilogue of IrHan book roughly 4 years ago, i was curious about the sneak-peaks of  MaiRim's story in it with Raim. So checked it out and damn.... Trust me, being a commerce student myself I reread it before laughing out loud. By that time I scrolled down only to realize it was taken down :( 
            That chapters were serious sit-com in all honesty (≧∇≦)/ Hence the hope of reading their story fully. That's it. But I'm happy to experience reading IrHan one like an ongoing one (though it's like deja vu sometimes as I have read it 4 odd times now) 
            I know this is getting longer than intended, so sorry for this rant
            But thank you sooooo much for publishing this masterpiece back. 
            Sending you lots of love❤❤❤


Dear author, 
          Till when can we expect the complete story "I am an addict, you are my drug" on this platform. It is one of the finest stories I have come across till date and would love to read it once again in a single go once you are done with the editing and posting. 
          If you can give us a probable date till which we can expect the complete story, then it would be really nice.
          Your faithful reader.