
Im sad to say that I'm leaving this account. I've had so much fun making friends and reading tons and tons of good books. This is honestly one if my favorite online accounts. 
          	Buuut recently a lot has changed, I haven't really been here in so long I don't remember any of the books really and I kinda want to redo my whole library, and possibly actually finish a few books. I feel like that can't be done under this name (don't ask why cause honestly idk myself) 
          	I ammm still gonna be on Wattpad (HAH not getting rid of me that easy!) I'm just moving to my newer account, the name of which I will leave here somewhere, after I set up that account really
          	I WILL reappear every now and then to reply to comments and reminisce, but this is my goodbye


Im sad to say that I'm leaving this account. I've had so much fun making friends and reading tons and tons of good books. This is honestly one if my favorite online accounts. 
          Buuut recently a lot has changed, I haven't really been here in so long I don't remember any of the books really and I kinda want to redo my whole library, and possibly actually finish a few books. I feel like that can't be done under this name (don't ask why cause honestly idk myself) 
          I ammm still gonna be on Wattpad (HAH not getting rid of me that easy!) I'm just moving to my newer account, the name of which I will leave here somewhere, after I set up that account really
          I WILL reappear every now and then to reply to comments and reminisce, but this is my goodbye


this message may be offensive
On this day 14 years ago a baby me was cut out of a my mother. I'm a weird ass bisexual nerd with strange addictions. I'm very depressing at times. I'm loud and I don't know when to stop joking sometimes.
          But I'm also a caring person. I go above and beyond for the people I care about, and I will do anything to see them happy (mostly retarded ass jokes tbh) and I will not stop until they're smiling. I love children and animals and I love seeing smiles. I have people who love me and care about me and even some friends who waited until midnight to wish me a happy birthday. 
          I have my flaws. We all do. But my strengths overpower my weaknesses and I'm proud of the person I'm becoming. I'm happy for the woman I'm gonna be
          (Lol this is too serious I'mma go eat junk food and watch Netflix all night. Happy birthday to me or whatever ✌✌✌)


I have so much I should be and so many conversations I need to reply to. I promise I'll get on it. I've been super busy I just recently started babysitting and I already have so many after school things I'm just trying to balance it all and find common ground on everything. I'm sorry for people I'm basically ignoring in messaging but you gotta understand that this isn't a priority. It's currently 11:48 at night and this is the first actual free time I've had today. I'm sorry. Peace✌✌✌


THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH FOR THE FOLLOW~!!!! Lol I think you found me at @WriteMyHeartForYou 's stories???


@WriteMyHeartForYou Things happen lol and I feel ya @SuperSonicCuteThang Dang both of ur names are soooo long =,=


@SuperSonicCuteThang Oh thank you for reading love. 


I'm thinking of changing 'The Book Of Honestly' from a book more centered around/inspired by me into a book based on a character. In that sense it would take me a little longer to update that being as how I would be changing the entire books purpose. I would need a little time to develop at least the outline of a plot, but I think it would be cool to try... Umm please please please give your opinion on this, any comments are welcome. Thank you and buh byeZ