I had my Variety show today and I totally messed up on the piano. I was hyperventilating right before and right after I started crying it was soooo bad!!!! ( I was singing and playing riptide by Vancejoy)
@slsnellings-11 Is this movie that I think you'll like
This guy decides to quit his job and heads to New York City
This cowboy's running from himself
And she's been living on the highest shelf
@in_the_fandom_hol3 So I have like a frickken wall of china writers block so that probably won’t work and I can only update on my phone and that is a pain in the neck
I just wrote a MPHFPC fanfic it’s my first one ever so don’t be too mean I didn’t edit it at all so if you see a mistake comment read it if you’re into that kind of stuff don’t if you aren’t