
Hey I’d love to read your story “An interview with David Bowie” but am unable to access it. It appears in your profile and I did get notifications that you updated it but whenever I try to actually open it I get an error saying that it cannot be found? Maybe reupload it if you get the chance or is the problem actually on my side? I’d love to read it :) 


It’s working again now, thank you so much! 


Hey! I made it a draft for a while as I was working on some grammatical corrections but it should be working, I’ll reupload it again for you, let me know when it’s working! ❤️


Thank you very much love for following, I am really grateful & hope that you have a great day ❤❤❤


@bowiesbitch I'm sorry darling, WP didn't send me the notification. I appreciate the kind words & hope that you are having a lovely day ❤❤❤




Its really no problem at all! I enjoy your work a lot :)) you have a good day too love 


I was so confused on how I had randomly ended up with you on sc, and then I realised that we must have randomly swapped sc names ages ago on wattpad. I didn't remember any of this though, until I was scrolling through profiles and recognised you. It's all making a lot more sense now. I don't rlly know what the point of this is anyway, but I'm just glad that I've finally worked out how I ended up with you on sc and that you were actually off of wattpad in the first place