new account because i forgot the password to this one, ugh
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new account because i forgot the password to this one, ugh
Hi there!! Idk if ur still in touch with Maria but I hope things are okay between both of u and i hope ur doing well this year :). Idk where u live but i hope everything's okay (pandemic). Take care of urself and if Maria talks to u i hope u could let her know I love her and that I wish her happiness and well-being cause she's an amazing person~~ as well as u even tho we've had issues together. Just passing by cause I felt like doing it so don't mind me :-D. Bye, take care.
@GirlARMY20 I understand why Maria loves u :*) u give me similar vibes and both of u are so sweet ughh :,( take care and ur welcome I'm glad u answered me *lovezzz*
hi lovely! thank you for your sweet message brightens my day, me and Maria haven’t talked in so long I’ve tried to contact her but I don’t think she’s on wattpad as much anymore. but yeah the pandemic it’s terrible thank you for passing by and I’ll let her know if she contacts me back take care!:)
bitch been taken since '22 <3
hello my darling. i miss you & i hope you're doing ok <3 take care!
@PASTELFRECKLES my love, my sun in the morning, my moon at night, hello! im sorry, i haven't answered all these months, it's so selfish of me for not checking on wattpad i forgot about this website! I hope you're doing better, and wonderful, don't forget you are WORTH all my love and all the smiles in this world. I miss you and love you. I wish i would have answered sooner, i miss you<3
hello my sunshine, my euphoria and my reason to live!! i have missed you lots, and please believe me when i say that. skfjdk i know it's been such a long time and i didn't message you at all even if i have been active a lot lately but i just wanna tell you that these months i have been really sad and just not in the mood for talking with anyone, so i kind of ignored every message possible and i promised to myself that when i'll feel better i'll go to you from the start so i can message you. i really love you a lot and you have every right to be mad or just dissapointed at me, i understand that you might be sad that i didn't leave any message or reply <3 please forgive me, i really don't wanna seem like the type of fake friend, and i hope you do not think that. i hope you're having an awesome week and you're having fun with your friends and family in general!! please stay positive and do not forget that you are someone's reason to wake up and go through another day ♡♡♡ (also,, i tried to message you again but it doesn't work. you are from outside of my country and that's why it doesn't let me. but!! i can even download insta so we can talk if you want, i surely won't mind skjdk)
@PASTELFRECKLES hey my love, i love you so much! i'm so happy u replied don't get me wrong i don't mind if you do all i want you to ever do is just to read my messages to make me happy:) don't say you're annoying an don't apologize for anything! you are such an entertainment all the time you message me it makes me so happy:) and if you don't reply it's okay i understand i don't want you to reply if you don't wannu:) and thank you for always sending me sweet messages it akes me so happy also yes u do deserve me! and i deserve u! we deserve each other 100% there's no going back ilysm and i would never want someone different than you, you are so special to me and i cherish you so much, i love you and no one can change that. i hope your doing okay, how are you? are you feeling well? also message me any time you want i will always wait it can be 8 years and still i would wait:) ilysm. stay healthy please and eat good things like avocados sksk♡♡
again, i am sorry for being an annoying friend who only replies back when they feel in the mood!! i am speaking with honesty that you do not deserve a friend like me, but yet you still manage to make me the happiest person on earth and i hope i do the same thing. again, do not hesitate to message me on whatsapp, wattpad or even insta(even if i am rarely active there skfjdk-) i won' promise i will respond to you right away but i surely won't ignore you <3 ♡♡♡ take care my happiness and stay healthy!! remember to drink lots of water and eat!
@societycansuck skfjdk i swear you're so sweet i do NOT deserve you at all!! i really appreciate you for not being mad, but you really shouldn't be this kind to me, since i genuinely do not deserve the kind words that you tell me :') i can admit that i felt like i have been very ignorant lately and that's why i wanted to apologise for being a stupid friend! i am also so so happy for you, you're such an angel so of course it's obvious that you would get first place!! but just remember that it doesn't matter if you do not get first place, it's all about the memories and experiences in my opinion!! i am really happy you're going through happier times now, and i hope that you will leave your 'phase' i'm just so proud of yourself that you managed to make friends and you're now way more happier then you used to be!! ♡♡ i know i might tell you this all the time, but if you ever feel bad please don't hesitate to message me or anyone else that you might trust!! i am only one text away, and if it's about you and your (mental) health then i'll always listen <3
omg thanks!! she's so cute ikr i wanna look like her so bad. i love ur username btw c: vvv nice
@sadings aw ty hehe uwu, and yuhh i mean i wanna be as pretty as her but im not t.t
hi thanks for the follow ♡
@desamora hiii༄
Thank u for follow! ❤️
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