Good morningggg babyyy

@AbbyDuck06 honestly it was a weirdly realistic dream tho.. but we were on the same basketball team...
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I'd buy all the under armour in the world for Nika bro... those photos have me in a chokehold
Good morningggg babyyy
@AbbyDuck06 honestly it was a weirdly realistic dream tho.. but we were on the same basketball team...
So...um...feels like chapter is out...
Sooo....how's your day been??
@AbbyDuck06 I think he has me blocked ngl.. but literally if I don't get off track... its not me its my doppelganger.. who's the book about?
I'd buy all the under armour in the world for Nika bro... those photos have me in a chokehold
Good morningggg, I love you carly...I hope you have a good day...or at least not confusing like yesterday...but yeah....I love youuu
@AbbyDuck06 goodmorningggg...I hope you have a good day as well.... I love you too!
Sooo...this is for when you wake up....good morninggggg babyyy
@AbbyDuck06 honestly, no. I have made shitty choices in the past year and could be a better daughter, sister, etc. I think my younger self would be proud of how I keep trying, but some of my decision making choices have not been good. My younger self had me going up a completely different path from now though... what is one of the biggest what ifs you have thought about.... and if it is too deep of a question you don't have to answer
@slvtfornika I've thought about what ifs all the time....that usually what my mind consist of...but I constantly wonder what if college doesn't work...that leads to the career....and it just goes on and on....I'm so sorry for falling asleep... I'd like to continue the question thing tomorrow if you'd wanna....I love you.... goodnight
@AbbyDuck06 that I care.. sometimes too much... I let my heart get in the way of everything... when I love, I love hard.. so even if it comes out as if I don't care about something.. I do. I pay attention to everything too, including the little details... and are you happy with your life right now? like as in do you made good choices leading up to now?
Good morningggg....or afternoon...when ever you see this....
@AbbyDuck06 yeah it was fun.. I have to go to a fam dinner so I'll text u when I'm back ok?
@AbbyDuck06 I still have my old bike... shes all stickered up with the places ive gone now though... sometimes we would ride out of the county and go to different cities.. it was definitely and interesting summer
Hey baby...just wanted to let you know if it takes me forever to answer tn it's cause I'm at work....
@AbbyDuck06 I'm just tiredddd... I've had an... interesting day to say at the least
bro I just jumped into my canal fully clothed to keep my dog from drowning.. he fell in but I think he's fine now... he better not have pneumonia.
You all good??
@slvtfornika not tryna be rude but I don't wanna fall asleep on u... I hate doing that to ppl... but its a bad habit
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