Also because I have serious attention span issues the chapters will be incredibly shorter. Longer chapters are great for people with the facilities to do that but unfortunately I do not, so the rest of the chapters will be shortened.
GIRLLLLSSS the past month has been a ki *crying emojis*. First of all there was a hurricane and we just got internet back like 2.5 weeks ago. THENN ya boy turned 16!!!! 9/26 *exhale emoji* *libra emoji*. So life has been a mf but a bitch ready to start back writing! :)
Since a nigga dealing with hurricane Ida and my power out ima be writing and giving y’all some updates
PS: To all of my followers in the south and ESPECIALLY in Louisiana my thoughts and prayers are with you all during this time. Please be safe and use your common sense. Don’t stress yourself out or stress out medical and safety personnel.