
Guess who arose from her ashes?
          	I am incredibly sorry for dissapearing for half a year. Life just hasn't been working out for me, but I can assure you all, I haven't stopped working on my writings. In fact, I have more stories planned out than before.
          	For a while, I'd like to put my Harry Potter era fanfictions aside to rest. But I can assure my dear readers, those stories will be finished one day. They're far too well tangled in my heart not to. So many planning and time went into them that I could never not tell them.
          	Recently, I've been lucky to join a new fandom of Everbytestudio's Duskwood game play, for which I am currently writing a fanfiction. This game is amazingly built up, the twists and storyline is mesmerizing, and inspired me greatly. Also my language skill, which to be honest, needed a big upgrade.
          	I can assure you guys that after my exams, tests are over and school relaxes its hold on me, I will get back into writing here, on Wattpad. Until then, I am working on my Hungarian novelette and Duskwood fanfiction plotting, poems in both language.
          	Thank you that even after several months, you all haven't given up on my books and hopefully haven't forgotten about me. Take this as a personal apology from the bottom of my heart.
          	Take care and stay tuned for new updates!
          	With love and care,


Guess who arose from her ashes?
          I am incredibly sorry for dissapearing for half a year. Life just hasn't been working out for me, but I can assure you all, I haven't stopped working on my writings. In fact, I have more stories planned out than before.
          For a while, I'd like to put my Harry Potter era fanfictions aside to rest. But I can assure my dear readers, those stories will be finished one day. They're far too well tangled in my heart not to. So many planning and time went into them that I could never not tell them.
          Recently, I've been lucky to join a new fandom of Everbytestudio's Duskwood game play, for which I am currently writing a fanfiction. This game is amazingly built up, the twists and storyline is mesmerizing, and inspired me greatly. Also my language skill, which to be honest, needed a big upgrade.
          I can assure you guys that after my exams, tests are over and school relaxes its hold on me, I will get back into writing here, on Wattpad. Until then, I am working on my Hungarian novelette and Duskwood fanfiction plotting, poems in both language.
          Thank you that even after several months, you all haven't given up on my books and hopefully haven't forgotten about me. Take this as a personal apology from the bottom of my heart.
          Take care and stay tuned for new updates!
          With love and care,


I thought I'll publish the Christmas chapter in Hogwarts' Princess way earlier than the actual holiday comes around.
          That was around end of October. Noticed there's still no chapter to be found? Anyone? Because I clearly do and that annoys me dearly. Guilt eats me alive.
          Well, my depression eats me alive too, but oh well. I say lets procrastinate more, wohoo! (I'm so utterly sorry y'all!!)


All happy all nice, just created a new spell!
          After looking up some things to make it reasonable, of course. Since we don't know what the Snowball Charm's incantation is, here is what I came up with:
          Wingardia Viburnumia
          Based on the Levitating Charm –Wingardium Leviosa– and the Latin equivalent of snowball –viburnum. I think this has a nice ring.
          I couldn't find any ideas or existing spells anywhere, not even in fanfictions, so I came up with my own. Feel free to use it in your own ones too!


We've reached 1.4k and 1.5k reads the day before yesterday and now we're at 1.6k? What kind of magic do y'all use??


this message may be offensive
@slytherinlizzy fucking left out the 0 before the numbers, look at the dumbass trying to type reasonable stuff at night! I'm at the point of hallucinating