Hello everyone!
I know I have been absent for a very long while now and some of you might have been wondering why my book is not having any updates anymore.
Two years ago I had a hip surgery and had to stay in bed for three months. I wasn’t able to go to school, didn’t have the strength to study or write, I basically didn’t do anything productive. Instead, I found myself playing video games and passing my time.
But the lack of my productivity also lowered my ability to concentrate. So I was having a hard time being back to school and keeping up with everyone else and couldn’t get back to writing.
A year after that I had another surgery on my hip.
Even though it wasn’t as tough as the first one, I was still having my problems with concentrating. After that, my senior year of high school started and I had to concentrate on school. The german education system is much tougher than in other countries and due to my prior problems, I was having a tough time getting through the year and the final exams.
BUT I MADE IT! Barely, but still.
Now, I am slowly trying to get back to my passion. Please bare with my slow updates and in case my style of writing has changed. A lot has happened in the past two years - in my social life too, which I plan on including in the book. Unfortunately though, it has also changed my use of language, so please don’t get too worried if I write too colloquially. I will try my best not to.
Thanks to all of those sticking with me after all this time and stay tuned for the next update of “The Difference Between Us”.
Your Sude x