
hey you.......yes you looking at screen 
          im kinda a newbe it would mean alot to me if you could take a look at my story, i know that they arent grate cuz i just started writing....... 
          see if you could tell me what you REALLY think like what im good at and what i need work on that would help SO much....... 
          because all the people that have read it say like 'good work' or 'keep going' but that dont help me get better so i would be really thankful if you did this... 


Hey. I’m Adeline.
          I was just wondering –if it wouldn’t be a bother- if you could read my stories? 
          One is called,
          “Ravenwood School of Witchcraft and Wizardry” and the other is “Titans: The Escape.”
          So, if you could check those out, I won’t bother you anymore, ;D.
          P.S My stories aren’t those same ones you read all the time. One is a wizard and witchcraft story with no *gasp* vampires. And the other is about superheroes. So if you’re a fan of originality, you should really check out my stories. 


HI! lol im like sorta new o this site and i was hoping if you could possibly check out some of my writings? please? pretty please? please with a cherry on top and whip cream? lol please? lol if you dont i'll understand you know i'll live :( but you know it'll make my day :)


Hey!!! I was wondering if you would read/comment/vote on some of my poems... become a fan maybe??
          Criticism is appreciated also!!
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          midnightrise :D


hi, would you mind reading my story, i would love some constructive criticism and what you think about it
          "All Boy's School Survival Guide" for girls
          Aliza is in a binding situation, literally! With her breasts constricted, wearing her brother's loose clothing, and dropping her voice to the lowest level, she's attending Ascham, an all boy's school! If that's not enough, throw in an extremely hot roommate, who suspects Aliza, aka Alex, of not being exactly what "he" appears to be and you have a chaotic relationship---if you can even call it that.


sorry but i would know how to find the other chapters of "linked"?!
          i read that its not 1 of yours stories and i tried to read it on scribd but its not more plz tell me!!!! i love it and i love yours stories too lol :D