
bye bye ! :-) thanks for all the support and stuff on this account AnD FoR THE 100TH TIME IM GONNA BE ON @noturminecraftgf from now on - and like never getting back on this account


hi there ! so ive been thinking and i might be deleting this account and starting fresh on my back account ! alot has changed and i feel like a need  new start . im still deciding this sint for sure but ! its very likely ! so if you need to contact me and im not here - or this has been deleted contact me on 
          and to anyone i was roleplaying with ill try and respong once imm done with homeowkr and comeback from the store ! thank you !


i wanted to respond and stuff today but i have a gig and mandatory band meeting ( plus homework ) so i doubt ill be able too :')


well i hope it goes well!! love you bby 


i just wanna say thank you . thank you to everyone for being my friend or even bothering to click that follow button . ive never been the best at making friends or anything but honestly you guys really help ! i also hope ALL OF YOU know that im here for you and will lowkey highkey gladly befriend almost everyone . anywho yea i just wanted  to say thanks .
          also im working on replies bbys