
Just to let everyone know, When I get a request I add it to a list now, and I'm gonna go straight down the list when I write, so  if a request you made isn't posted the next day or something it may take a little bit for me to get to it. And I will always respond to a request. If I haven't responded to your request in the next day or two it might be that I wasn't comfortable with writing that or Wattpad was being weird and I didn't get to see it. So at that point feel free to private message me about it if you wish <3


omg I've been stalkin- I mean casually browsing your tumblr and, now I may go through and read all of the things on here.


@smokykitty thank you Friend!! <3


"casually browsing" and yeah your blog is really nice plus your writing is not terrible.


Just to let everyone know, When I get a request I add it to a list now, and I'm gonna go straight down the list when I write, so  if a request you made isn't posted the next day or something it may take a little bit for me to get to it. And I will always respond to a request. If I haven't responded to your request in the next day or two it might be that I wasn't comfortable with writing that or Wattpad was being weird and I didn't get to see it. So at that point feel free to private message me about it if you wish <3