So I've been meaning to post this for a while... if you are wondering why I haven't been doing much posting lately... I wanted to address that. I've found lately, that writing stories that include real people (I.E. most of my works) has been really hard without feeling awkward about it. Mainly this comes in tail with the fact that I know Imagine Dragons personally, and it can be strange to write these "story versions" of them. Case in point when I was working on "A Cold Night's Intake", I actually saw Dan 3 times in two weeks, and Wayne 2 of those 3 times. It felt like I was almost doing them a disservice to write this story version of them and then talk to them in person. Especially with it being such an angsty story and see them smiling and laughing when I talked to them. This being said, I am NOT abandoning my account. I will still do my best to finish out stories that need completion, but at the same time, I feel like I need to distance myself from these works a bit, as sort of a personal sanity thing. Also, because of multiple circumstances, I run the risk of failing this semester of college, so all my focus needs to be on my school work right now. I absolutely love hearing comments from you guys about liking my writing, it means a ton to me, a little potato like me. So in conclusion I guess just don't expect updates to be constant again until I say so, otherwise treat updates as sort of a little surprise of inspiration and know that I love you all with all my being. I'm always open to talking on my twitter @/dragonsarmors (my profile may still say my very old name). Love you all bunches.
- Faith/Coco