I’ve been waiting so long for a Phoebe Buffy’s account. :D
✞ : WOW THE BEST CHARACTER ?? WOW I LOVE excuse me - miss ? you’re the one who plays the guitar all the time at central perk , no ?
@mobking ¡ i won't sing about , that i promise , and no really you don't have to . — wait . . your daughter can order a latte perfectly without messing up ? sign me up ! i / need / that lesson !
oh ! yeah , that’s her . the one who orders a latte perfectly even though she’s just started kindergarten — but that’s besides the point . even if i don’t have to , i still want to . it’s still a kid’s party , so maybe don’t sing about your mother killing herself , yeah ?
@mobking ¡ oh sure - yeah . you don't have to pay me . when you have dumbasses like ross around who needs money am i right ? * her smile was still on her lips before she had a look of thought on her face * your daughter must be the cute little one that has the dressing taste of a genius ?
mom ! these kids at school are outrageous . / hi hi hi - i cOULDNT HELP MYSELF
@buffayshannigan ¡ * a soft ' awe ' left her lips as she wrapped her arms around her daughter , her hand rubbing the others back slowly * i love you too and also if you ever need anything i'll be here for you with open arms . maybe not right now because i'm hugging you but you get my point .
,, * gina giggles , a grin breaking out on her features && she gets all clingy . her arms wrap around her mother ‘ s neck && she tucks her head in her neck , mumbling , * i love you , mom .
@buffayshannigan ¡ * taking a sip of her drink , phoebe sat down next to her daughter , her eyes looking at the others * she used to always take me out for drinks . i had her number until i was walking down the street looking at it and a bird crapped on it but i'm sure you'll find a new teacher . they're just like ross . one minute they owe you twenty bucks then the next they owe you over two hundred !