
We couldn't fail to notice and be greatful, badgalroose for adding I'm a Cyborg's Pet on to your reading list .That comes over a little strange I guess thanking your for such a small act, but as new writers always get a boost every time someone comes across our work. Please enjoy the book.
          High five !!  RK+Reb


I don’t usually advertise on people’s boards so my apologies ^^ but I legit think you might enjoy my BTS-fantasy story, Take Me to the if you get a chance please feel free to check it out! ^^ Thanks !


@YahSesanginGirl OH MY GOD! Sorry I didn't see this earlier (idk why I didn't get notified) and YES! It's a pleasure ♡♡


hey! sorry if this is annoying but if you ever have time to check out my story ‘Say You Won’t Let Go’ you’d make me the happiest person ever <3


@miagolding no worries love <3 I'll definitely check it out! So far the summary is intriguing ♡♡


Your name is awesome. Your real name in your bio.


That's so sweet of you 


Hello! I just saw you in different comments, and I noticed that we have similar tastes in books! You seem pretty awesome to be honest! Therefore, I came on your profile, and I wasn't being a Creep and stalking the books you read and your public convos..*nervous laugh* but either ways, I thought it would be cool if you checked out my profile and perhaps take a look at my book. It's not good at all, but I thought that it would be cool to make a new friend or have a new point of view or sth...


@rshoyode omg you're so kind! I'm so glad I came across you! Thanks so so so much!❤❤


*sends Spanish kisses* oh. And OF COURSE I'd love to have a new friend too!! Thanks for noticing me and recommending your book to 