Okay so tomorrow is mine and my babys one month anniversary, although he doesn't have Wattpad and I don't have social media. 《Court issues its hard to explain..》he's been an huge impact for the last two years, he was a great guy to me Freshman year and the end of 8th grade, the beginning we were rude as hell to each other and then we became close, after I got abused by my ex bf and cheated on many of times, he waited a year and a half to call me his. He can be hot headed but he's the best for example for his birthday I gave him a hoodie 《he wears it everyday and when we hang he wants me to spray it with my perfume♡》 made him a romantic poster 《he sleeps next to it every night》 gave him a video game and gave him a picture of me 《he carries it in his wallet》 I spent $0 dollars on him BUT he spend $58 dollars of his dad's child support money on a necklace for me I literally cried. He's an amazing guy and I love him more than I love coloring《That's a WHOLE LOT♡》 Hes my bestfriend, not to mention he wont even talk to women unless hes around me♡ I love you Aaron Michael Beneteau always and forever♡