
@CheekyChieChie Okay! I'll read it when I have time. Is that okay with you? :)


OH MY GOD. I hate you. -_- How could you do this to me? AFTER ALL MY HARD WORK ON MAKING YOU EDITED PICTURES AND UGH. ==' I hate you berrr much. But, can you at least then my the story then? ;~; Like, what's going to happen and all. :'(
          WE WERE INFINITE SOUNDS LIKE A GOOD TITLE. OMFG. You should go online more 'cuz like now, I have a billion questions for you mahnnnnn. xD


aww ur reading sweep series too! love that book! julie here! okay okay im reading his to keep!!!


Haha. I read it ever since 7th grade. I bought the 2nd Volume (book 4,5, and 6) online because they didn't have it in library. xD But yes, I love Sweep. Mainly Hunter but, that's quote from Cal hits me. Alot. xD
            FINALLY. You're reading it!! You'll love it. Promise. It will make you cry. :)