"Dear fans. How many of you believe in freedom of speech? How many of you believe that you should be able to state your two cents without being a victim of unreasonable prejuice and hate? If you are a believer of this, I'd like your help. Kevin Hanlon, whom I recently fanned, is getting his account shut down. For no reason other then taking advantage of the rights I expressed above. I know this a touchy political matter, but Kevin writes about athiesm(amoung other things) and someone attacked his writting for no reason other then that. That person is now an ambassoder to wattpad, and Kevin happened to express his disagreement of that choice to wattpad, knowing that said peron is baised. Now? Now they are shutting him down. I'm disgusted. You should be to, religious or otherwise. This isn't just a religious matter anymore-no. it's about the freedom to say what you want. this is NOT a comunist website. He did NOTHING wrong. If you, like myself, think this is sickening and unfair, do Kevin who worked SO HARD a huge favour and post on wattpads wall, saying you know this is wrong. Or, you can be picous and sheeplike, and let someones passion go to waste becuase wattpad doesn't like that individuals particular veiws. Your choice Thank you