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ok so did i just ghost yall for like a month? yes. have i updated in 6 months? no. will i update soon? hopefully. anyways, love life rant: so there's this girl at my school and she's always just kinda been there and we've just been aquaintences or whatever. this year we were on the same bball team so we got pretty close (and also i would like to mention that she has a bf but they like never talk to each other which is really weird but you do you ig?) anyways, we got pretty close and all my friends were like "dude i think she likes you" and id always be like "no dude she has a bf" and about two weeks ago i realized that i caught feelings for her. also, we both bully our friends as a sign of love or whatever and so yk, we bully each other. but all my friends are like "dude she's flirting with you" and i kept denying it but in the back of my mind i wanted to believe it. and now i almost fully believe that she likes me bc it was our last regular season game in bball before the playoffs so technically it was our last guaranteed game and all of us were being sappy an shit and this girl has never shown me any sort of physical affection but she comes up to me gives me a big hug and goes "im gonna miss you" and that folks, almost made me cry. and ok, this was one of our few games that was recorded bc we were at this bougie ass school so i went back to the recording and this girl was just standing there talking to some of her friends and she saw that i was kind of alone, she turns her back to me and then changes her mind, does a full 180, comes up to me and gives me a hug. also i would just like to say that she did not in fact give anyone else a hug that game. not even the girls she was close with. so anyways, i like this girl and im pretty sure she likes me back but she has a bf (?) so it's kinda rough. lol.