
this message may be offensive
I know it's been a year and I suck. A lot has been happening and I guess one major "happening" happened and I happened to realize that this chapter has to happen and this finally, finally fucking happened. (cue anything could happen)
          	anyway read, vote, share. iloveyou all.




Lol I'm not gay but I do support the sexuality. I still have the book in my library, not finished with it as yet. But I shall take your advice 


@drowningnostalgia oh gosh, people still read that? anyways, i hope it inspired you to swallow the gay and savor the day


I loved your story in TGTG's book!


Now, ya'll might be asking 2 things:
          1: Anna, why in the ducking hell did you privatize Linger?
          2: Anna, where have you been?
          A.) We don't have wifi in our house (sadly). And I privatized Linger because I'm finally going to edit it. The story line's going to be so confusing if I edit it while it's published. Chill. I swear to the Greek Gods that I'm going to edit and publish Linger before ya know it.
          Anyway, Happy New Year folks. 
          Anna x


@sleeptalks Mate,
          I just read ALL OF YOUR COMMENTS and I felt 700 different emotions all at once, okay? I thought that my writing was shitty, to be really honest, and then there you are, commenting your way to victory and it all came down to me - Linger matters to you. To people.
          I will never stop writing. Thank you. Thank you.
          Thank you. Your comment gave me a reason to breathe oxygen in this god-forsaken world.
          With love,
          Effy and Ellie's kind-of mother


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Oh my god I finally found you. Hi you don't know me but I read Linger and (not completly sure if you wrote it) Dark Elena Jane ages ago and they were my first fanfics I ever read and what the fuck I found you again, I'm so happy.


It was amazing and I love you for writing it even when I was like 13 and didn't understand half of it (I'm sadly german) and I still loved it. Just wanted to tell you that. 


@Hoeneymoon Dark Elena Jane was so crappy oh my gosh. But thank you. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. I'm glad you found me and I'm glad I found you.