
Hey everyone!
          	I know I disappeared without warning. After the last few chapters, I got so frustrated trying to continue because nothing was coming out how I wanted. On top of that, I was insanely hungover from Onyx Storm. That mix completely threw me off, and I just needed to step away.
          	But I’m back now and ready to update again!
          	I’ll be writing again this weekend, but I can’t promise an update until next week, maybe Monday or Tuesday.
          	Thanks for sticking around, I appreciate you all so much. See you in the next update!
          	Much love,
          	Em <3


Dont stress dont feel obligated to post do What is right for you we Will still be here. Love the story  


@ smolMeatloaf  Welcome back! Don’t worry, sometimes a break is necessary. I’ll be looking forward to the next chapter whenever it’s ready!


Hey everyone!
          I know I disappeared without warning. After the last few chapters, I got so frustrated trying to continue because nothing was coming out how I wanted. On top of that, I was insanely hungover from Onyx Storm. That mix completely threw me off, and I just needed to step away.
          But I’m back now and ready to update again!
          I’ll be writing again this weekend, but I can’t promise an update until next week, maybe Monday or Tuesday.
          Thanks for sticking around, I appreciate you all so much. See you in the next update!
          Much love,
          Em <3


Dont stress dont feel obligated to post do What is right for you we Will still be here. Love the story  


@ smolMeatloaf  Welcome back! Don’t worry, sometimes a break is necessary. I’ll be looking forward to the next chapter whenever it’s ready!


Hey. Just found out on Google that u have posted some more ai videos of your fanfiction on tik tok. Could u pls upload them on the YouTube as well cuz tik tok is banned din my country.
          Also. I hope ur doing well and am looking forward to the next update 


I wish I could, but YouTube keeps taking some videos down, so I can’t upload them there!


Hey everyone! 
          I had promised myself to post two more chapters today, but unfortunately, they aren’t quite ready yet. I’ve been doing a lot of rewriting, did it especially with Chapter 30, which I posted a just a day ago, because I wasn’t fully happy with how things were turning out. To be honest, I’ve kind of lost my sense of planning lately, and it’s been throwing me off. (Especially since I like to give you longer chapters).
          My energy to finish everything today just isn’t there, but I’ll be working on it tomorrow and hopefully have both chapters ready to post then :)
          Thanks so much for your patience and understanding! Can’t wait to share the next parts with you all soon! (At least a Xaden POV chapter hihi)
          Much love,
          Em <3


@smolMeatloaf  Hope your doing better now. Can't wait to see what you come up with for the next chapters. It's been brilliant reading and your work is probably the best fanfiction of Fourth wing I've ever read!!
            Much love 


@smolMeatloaf I hope ur doing okay. Excited for the update today lol. I hope you update before it's too late cuz exams, can't stay up late.
            Waiting excited.
            Love u


Hey just wondering if you have made that youtube shorts account for you work cuz tik tok is banned in my country and di desperately want to sell ai work of this absolute masterpiece. If you have ,can u pls post the link. 
          Thank you for hearing me out. I hope you find the motivation to update this amazing works soon. Wish you well.


@Silver_Sovereign Ps : Also just check out your playlist and as always you slayyed.


Hey friends!
          I’m currently having a massive mental breakdown after finishing Onyx Storm. It absolutely slayed, but I am not okay… (Rebecca, expect my therapy bill and a thank-you note).
          Knowing myself, I’ll probably be battling some serious procrastination over the next couple of weeks. But I’ll do my best to update as soon as I can find the motivation!
          The way I’m so unhealthily attached to the Fourth Wing universe… and now Rebecca is taking a break??? At least I still have my own little alternate universe with Liora to cling to.
          Big hugs,
          Em <3


@ smolMeatloaf  I haven't read onyx storm yet, but I really hope you feel better soon.
            The Fourth Wing universe is incredible, but also your story is incredible. This alternative universe that you have created is beautiful, the story is beautiful, the way it is written, Liora and Xaden, the changes with respect to the true story, they just feel so good, it's refreshing and I also feel embraced by your story. 


@smolMeatloaf Omg I am soo sorry your going through that. I haven't read onyx storm yet cuz exams. I really hope you recover.
            Pls recover and take care of your self 


Hi friends!
          I just wanted to update you all and let you know that I’m working on figuring out a posting schedule. It’s been a little tricky lately, as my motivation has a mind of its own, but I’m doing my best to push through!
          I ran into a bit of a snag with my document, it got all messed up, so I had to rewrite chapter 27 and second half of chapter 28. I’ve just posted chapter 27, and I’m working on the rest of 28 now. It’s been a bit stressful, but I’m getting there!
          Thank you so much for your patience and support. It truly means the world to me, and I’ll keep you updated as I make progress!
          Much love,
          Em <3


Hey author, just wondering if you have a youtube account like the tik tok one cuz tik tok is banned in my country and I really want to watch your videos


@smolMeatloaf Could you pls let it be known or drop the link when you have made one so that I can watch it . Thankyou so much for your time 


@smolMeatloaf aw thank you soo much. Would really appreciate it.


I do not have one, but I can definitely make one!!


Hey friends!!
          Got the worst possible migraine so the update for From Fall To Flight have been delayed by a day, hope you don’t mind! 
          Will get the next few chapters up as soon as possible! 
          And thanks once more for all the support I get, it truly means so much!


@smolMeatloaf  take care! Hope you feel better soon !


@smolMeatloaf do not worry about us, get well soon!  


Hey everyone! Just a quick update; chapters 20 to 26 are officially up!
          I’ve been on a roll with writing, so if you haven’t caught up yet, now’s the perfect time. And don’t worry, there’s more on the way soon! 
          Let me know what you think in the comments, I love hearing your thoughts. Thanks for all the support, it means so much!