
My bio has been updated and this app will be deleted. Thank you again for your kindness and support. 


Owl_See —
          I'm not sure if you visit my profile anymore but you are a great friend. I'm really sorry for our misunderstandings. I do hope you forgive me and we can still be friends. I feel like it seems like I don't care but I really do.
          Little_Red // Superior Viking —
          You are amazing. I'm so glad I met you and I still look forward to talking to you. I still remember when we first met and I remember being so anxious and now it feels like you're one of my closest friends. 
          WindLegendzzz —
          You're really fun to talk to and you have always been super nice to me. I look forward to talking and role playing with you more. :) 
          TailsStories —
          Thank you for being patient with me. I'm still struggling a lot with everything but I'm determined that I will get through it, thanks to all you guys. 
          I'm really grateful for every person I ever met. To all those who tolerated or tried to understand me.


This might be the last you guys will hear of me. I have been wanting to leave Wattpad for awhile because I don't feel like being here is good to me and if I'm being honest this community doesn't feel safe. A lot of the people here just make me uncomfortable with the things they write. Not only that but this community is probably one of the most toxic I have ever seen and sure, there are some amazing people here and I have met quite a few. I have had old friends here teach me a lot, like I have learned so much because of them at least that's how I see it now. I feel like it isn't best for me to stay. I feel like this app can draw the worst out of a person especially one that is struggling. I don't know. Part of me wants to leave on behalf of my friends, I feel like I will never grow as a person if I stay. There's so much I feel the need to say but I don't want to drone on. I just want to say something else that i feel is important to note...most of the time when I do 'certain' role plays when my depression is at its worst. I don't even really like them. (If needed I will explain more specifically this one detail)
          I feel like a few people deserve a shout out. Please know the shout outs are positive. 


Death is inevitable. As much as I fear it, some days i just can't take it anymore.
          I don't know how to cope with anything anymore. I don't know what to do. I just feel no matter what I do I will always be me...
          And that's not a good thing at all. 
          I'll never be a better me. I never made progress, I thought I did. I'm sorry. I'm still the same person. I'm afraid I'll lose friends again because I'm way too much work than in worth. I hurt my friends more than I make them happy, I don't deserve them. I'm not there for them...I'm the reason why they get upset. 
          I just want to disappear completely because I feel like its the only right thing I can do at this point. I'm worst than anyone I have ever known, in real life or fictional wise. 
          I'm sorry to all my friends, old and new. I have only let all of you down and hurt you. I wish I could take it all back. 


@smolrabidballoffuzz you’re not the worse. Remember there are people worse then you


this message may be offensive
Sometimes I want to bawl to my eyes out. No one would understand this frustration I feel. Sometimes I hate the world and I hate being different because few people give you a chance. Sharing one thing in common doesn't make you less different from them and having things in common won't guarantee you'll get along. Depression is like wanting to do something but you get too frustrated at everything to bother. I try to be positive but I feel like I'm always negative. I hate it. Sometimes I think something is so perfect and loved that I despise it. Eevee? fucking hate it. Siberian Huskies? Ugh...
          Maybe its because I hate myself. Again, I don't understand. I keep my thoughts to myself and they drive me mad. 
          But anyways, 
          I just really want to do a fandom role play? But that being said its a fandom that not many people like I guess. I really have no hope anyone would role play it and on the off chance someone does they would likely make me feel uncomfortable.


this message may be offensive
If there was ever a hell then this is it. Wattpad is hell and we all signed up and doomed ourselves. A lot of the times I want to cease existing when I see half the stories on here. Go outside but more importantly go to therapy because something really isn't right.
          Apart from the amazing friends I made, I really just am not particularly fond of this place in the slightest.
          And this isn't directed to all the writers (and artists on here), just the fucked up minds that decide to start writing here like seriously are you guys okay? 


@smolrabidballoffuzz Oh. Yeah, that'd be disturbing.


@RequestTheSalt Not really unless someone is writing 'smut' about real people then yeah, that's just as dusturbing.


@smolrabidballoffuzz You talking 'bout...sexual themes, or...?


Its like three in the morning and I'm looking at stories to make me feel sad and question my worth or value... I surround myself with people and I STILL feel alone. I wish more people enjoyed talking to me or seemed interested in the things I say. I try to pretend everything is okay and things don't hurt me but of course they do. They always have. I wish I had more in common with people but I also feel extra nervous around those people (who share interests w/ me) in particular because I feel like they're the toughest crowd and they don't want anything to do with me. I'm not always the best at keeping up with friends but I try my best. Its just hard sometimes. I have so much on mind and I have just been stuck in my own little world with probably the one of the few things that have been helping me through these rough times. I probably talk way too much about it though. I make way too many references lol. I probably annoy the h3ll out of people. Anyways, I think I have gone on long enough about this nonsense. So see ya around.


You don’t annoy me at all. I’m open to any chats!