I would like to apologize to everyone I've left hanging. Finals week did more damage than I thought. I have perhaps flubbed two of my five classes this semester, and I am hoping that it won't come back and bite me in the immediate future. Of course, that's not an explanation for why my absence stretched on so long, just why it began. My absence was extended due to my families yearly trip to Florida. Normally, this is no problem, but COVID Restrictions prevented me from accessing the neighborhood building that provided free wifi (I had to have been in state for two weeks, I was going to be in state for maybe five days). However, I was able to use the wifi of a neighbor who kindly let us use her WiFi. Thanks to the walls, connection was spotty at best, and while I could read things the connection would cut out often enough that I experienced an inability to post very much of anything without the lack of internet eating it.
I humbly beg everyone's forgiveness, and I hope that something like this shall never happen again without prior warning.
Thank you for your time.