
Hey author-nim! I hope you're well.....it's uncharacteristic of you to vanish for so long in the midst of a story, so my mind is automatically thinking of the worst. I hope it's nothing serious and that you just have more of a life than me lol. I am by no means pressuring you into an update, I just want to know you are well. Please take as much time as you need And do let us know if you're dropping the fic. Despite how toxic we are painted to be, we are a very understanding bunch. 
          Please take care!


@toritiger122 thanks for letting me know!!


I have her on twitter and she said she wrote “Don’t sell me out” years ago, and after proof-reading the last 2 chapters, she decided she wanted to re-write them completely. She’s working very hard to get them perfect and out as soon as possible! I’m very excited to see the updated notification on my phone!