
this message may be offensive
Y'all ever drink spoiled milk? Yeah, me too. I took a big ass fucking gulp and all of a sudden there's milk chunks sliding down my throat. Not what I wanted down my throat. );


I've got this dumb little headcanon for SCP-049 that he's like terrified of boats or being in an ocean or a large lake in general.


@LillyD2 I did not expect that


@snazzyink Sksksk sksksk ana oop ana oop sksksk sksksk whErE's My HyDrO fLaSk skskskksks


Okay so I know you guys really don't care but I just found such a sweet song, Oh my God.
          Please, please, please give it  a listen! 
          It's called "My Sweet Jax" by "Hot Dad"
          If you're not already convinced to listen, it's about this guy's cat. He sings about all the things he used to do when he was alive and how he wishes he could have his sweet Jax back. 
          Sorry if it's not your cup of tea, it's just too sweet NOT to recommend aaa.