Hey sneak78. Remember me? Probably not, but I am the author of "Genius in Disguise.". Sorry it took me so long to get your message. (I'm not very technological savvy. Shh.). Right, but anyway, I just got your message and since I couldn't respond to your message the normal way since I accidentally deleted my story about a month ago, I had to break into your profile to reply. BUT FEAR NOT! I AM NOT SCATHED! Terribly sorry for the inconvenience. I do however, have the first three chapters saved on my iPod, and I will be updating them, yet again, as soon as possible. (That's ASAP!). I am also responding to your plea to "please read my book" by adding them all to my library for later reading when I get back from finishing my Harry Potter marathon.. Thank you for being, possibly, my only fan and reading my book. Hope to hear from you soon, nayna64