
Book 2 of Micah Swan is posted, it is only the cast for now 


Im exited for Book 2 so much!!! And i hope you will do smut chapters with Micah and his mates book 1 you did only with Jasper so I hope you will do with Other mates too...


hii!!! i love your stories so much<33 and i was wondering if you are soon going to update Living in a Fantasy? I love it so much and i want to ask you Alfie will have more soulmates beside Stefan(if yes im so excited for it and who? maybe Elijah and Klaus cuz their story was so sad and finally they could have someone who is literally made for them) or he will be a soulmate only to Stefan( if yes then its totally okay)?? Im sorry if im disturbing you…i just love it and i hope there will be more soulmate. But uf not its okay<3 i don’t want to rush you into anything or something 
          thank you! illy<333


Omg your so sweet<33 thank you!! I was just wondering cuz i already read Their mate and i love Micah and his mates Edward, Emmet, Jasper and Carlistle…their chemistry and love is amazing so i was just wondering if Alfie will have too this kind of relationship with more soulmates…
            Thank you so much that you will considerate it!!( and even if there will only be Alfie and Stefan than thats totally okay cuz they are already amazing together, like they rlly are made for eachother!!!)


Hiya, don’t worry, your not disturbing me at all  I’m glad that you’re really enjoying the story, it’s always good to hear ☺️ xx I’m not sure if he will be with others yet, I hadn’t even thought about it so I will definitely take it into consideration x


I don’t remember the last time I read something of this magnitude. You’ve created a masterpiece with this. 
          You’re a wordsmith! I’ve never even heard of half the words you use, and yet I seem to understand every single one of them! 
          Some people think that writing on computers is easy. But I know how difficult it is to come up with ideas and turn them into meaningful and interesting content. Never give up, bro!❤️ 


Thank you! Really, thank you! ❤️ x


Hi! I was just wondering if you were taking requests for stories? If not all good I understand :) 


@sneakingsmith555 That's totally alright! Thank you for doing this :) 


That’s absolutely fine x I will admit that I am also working on another request so it might take me a bit to get it out but I’ll try and get them out quickly xx


@sneakingsmith555 I'd like it to be from season 1 and if they could be bonded would be great! Thank you so much for actually agreeing to do this (。>‿‿<。 )