
Chapter Thirty-nine is up! If you thought the last chapter was a roller-coaster ride, buuuckle up for this one. 
          	Also, big news! I am now officially a WATTPAD STAR! AHHH! Thank you all for your amazing support. Much, much, much, much love. <3


@snickersneebee is this story ever going to update, I love it so far and it seems so good!


@snickersneebee Are you still going to update? Please do! The story is just so good!!


@snickersneebee please update! your story is so amazing and it has so much potential


Dead Miss Snickersneebee, I have been creaming, crying, and throwing up for a new update. One fateful night, about 5 years ago, I stumbled upon this masterpiece of a story, and have not felt TRUE satisfaction since the moment I realized it had no ending. I am more than willing to sacrifice my first born child and commit unspeakable atrocities that even Satan himself would flinch at, just for another chapter. Nothing has ever enthralled or touched me the same way this wattpad story has. I am begging on my hands and knees.