
Thank you so much for adding Draco's Secret! Fair warning it is quite dated so it might sound weird and or a bit off in parts. This is due mainly to lack of ideas for that one as I haven't written Drarry in a while and because I have been mainly focusing on my story Time Traveling to You. It is a Snamione if you are interested and it is completed.


Thank you for adding Time Traveling to You!!


@wiccaangel73 :) ooo btw if u haven't already seen it I put up some short rules and requirements for a Q&A session I want to do if ur interested


@wiccaangel73 awww well ty and ty for following me :)


Hi wiccaangel73! Thank you for  adding my VA Fanfics - Love Faces, Mine Has - and - A New Beginning - to your Read reading list. I hope you enjoyed them, I'd love to hear your thoughts! ツ 
          ps. I'm from Virginia too! Small world sometimes.