
Hello there everyone~
          	Finally after 2 years the new story is published.  I really put a lot of effort on this second story despite making it as a one shot. Do check them out and give some votes and maybe some comments ^^ Your support is very much appreciated. Thank you everyone!


Hello there everyone~
          Finally after 2 years the new story is published.  I really put a lot of effort on this second story despite making it as a one shot. Do check them out and give some votes and maybe some comments ^^ Your support is very much appreciated. Thank you everyone!


Hello there everyone :) 
          Nora disini. Alhamdulillah saya dapat menyelesaikan MMDNK pada tahun lepas. Saya tahu terdapat banyak typo dan errors dalam cerita tersebut. Ini adalah kali pertama saya menulis novel yang sepanjang 30 bab..  Selalunya tak sampai 500 perkataan pun. InsyaaAllah cerita kedua yang masih dalam proses penulisan akan menjadi lebih baik daripada novel MMDNK. Saya harap kamu semua dapat memberi sokongan dan kasih sayang kepada cerita kedua saya 
          Terima kasih semua!