
It's been awhile.. hope you've been well? 
          	Contract is 4 years old this year. I still can't believe it. thinking about it makes me emotional. The longer times passes the more I hate I haven't been able to complete this one project but I'm glad I started writing it and still going strong. I got to meet you guys and share what I'm passionate about.
          	I really appreciate all the reads, comments votes y'all are doing. Y'all brought Contract this far. Thank you for reading ෆෆ
          	What are y'all grateful for this year?
          	Chapter forty one is published now and accessable now with no issues.
          	This is my first update this year so I wanted to make it special. It's going to be a long one hope you enjoy the read.
          	Let make more memories this year too


@snwyy0 thank you for updating and never abandoning this story,love this story so much and it keeps me on waiting and praying for you to continue it and my prayers got an answer ❤️❤️ Keep going dear... welcome back patiently waiting for your next update ❤️


@snwyy0 thank you, dear author, I love this novel ❤️️‍


It's been awhile.. hope you've been well? 
          Contract is 4 years old this year. I still can't believe it. thinking about it makes me emotional. The longer times passes the more I hate I haven't been able to complete this one project but I'm glad I started writing it and still going strong. I got to meet you guys and share what I'm passionate about.
          I really appreciate all the reads, comments votes y'all are doing. Y'all brought Contract this far. Thank you for reading ෆෆ
          What are y'all grateful for this year?
          Chapter forty one is published now and accessable now with no issues.

          This is my first update this year so I wanted to make it special. It's going to be a long one hope you enjoy the read.
          Let make more memories this year too


@snwyy0 thank you for updating and never abandoning this story,love this story so much and it keeps me on waiting and praying for you to continue it and my prayers got an answer ❤️❤️ Keep going dear... welcome back patiently waiting for your next update ❤️


@snwyy0 thank you, dear author, I love this novel ❤️️‍


Hi Author, chapter 41 doesn't load for some reason. I was sooo looking forward to it.


@necresflores if you check back, chapter 40 had the same issue. Hopefully, the author will check back soon and see that there's an issue with the upload.


@Darazsfeszek me as well can't open chap 41,, what's happening


Hey everyone.. how have y'all been? How's the holiday going for y'all?
          Saw y'all having issues accessing chapter forty and I'm sorry for that. It was a publishing error which I believe is rectified now.
          Chapter forty is out now, go check it out

          Once again sorry for the delay and most importantly for not keeping my word and getting this chapter released way too late than intended. 
          Thank you for your patience, understanding and continuous support ෆ
          Merry late Christmas wishes and Happy new year in advance ෆෆ


@snwyy0 thanks we can access it now, happy holidays too❤️❤️❤️


Thank you for updating chapter 40 but the issue is that I can't open it. I've tried several times, all to no avail. Can you do something about it? 


@UniqueNG2021 @necresflores sorry for the error and late response hope you can access it now.. thanks for the patience ෆ 


@UniqueNG2021 me too I kept on trying but it's not working 


Just awoken feeling so inspired to write.. so here I am doing just that while listening to message in a bottle by Taylor swift and we can't be friends by Ariana Grande.. 
          It's one of those few moments and I plan to milk as much of this high as much as possible before it goes away... Bringing you guys a new chapter this week crossing my fingers it'll be a good one.
           Thank you all for always reading ෆෆ


@snwyy0 I've really missed your story contract,, getting excited when you said you'll gonna update this week,,can't hardly wait for your next ❤️❤️❤️


Thank you to every readers supporting the book Contract through encouraging comments, voting and most especially reading. Thanks for the consisting patience you've shown me.. 
          I'm appreciate everyone of y'all.. ෆෆ
          Hope y'all are enjoying the reads?
          Forever your author snow..


@snwyy0 slayyyy....❤️


Hi dear author I happened to crossed to read your story contract and I'm loving it so much,I'm very much hooked to his story ,so refreshing to read the plot was so incredibly good I can't help myself to finished reading it in one go .. your such an amazing author,the words ,grammar , scenes were so detailed and realistic..the emotions withdrawn in every chapter is like a roller coaster from happy  , sad,excitement,hurt ,pain and don't forget the crying period as in really crying literally ,please do update it dear author  continue writing coz your writing skill is superb , rooting you from now on ❤️❤️


@necresflores Thank you love ෆ.. how do I say I'm grateful for this kind motivational words.. your support and message inspired and encouraged my picking up the pen to complete chp 39.
            Again, Thank you ෆ


Hey Everyone! How have you been?
          Sudden update alert!
          Chapter Thirty-eight of contract has been published. It's going to be a long chapter.. so please enjoy ෆ╹ .̮ ╹ෆ
          Thank you for waiting, reading and being patient with me.. I really appreciate the support.


@snwyy0 missing you dear author