
as a woman in alabama, this is painful. this is supposed to be 2022, not the 1950s.
          	i hate this state so much and i want to leave so bad.


@snyderthespider I am also in a banned state and want to leave the U.S so bad.


they both die at the end by adam silvera was emotionally devastating but i think it’s one of my new favorite books. anyways gtg cry over it again


It was so good!!! I can usually read books in one or two sittings but I had to take so many breaks while reading that one bc I was crying. I need to talk about it with someone 


i’ve been hella inactive but i just wanted to come on here and say my pronouns are now she/they :)
          i’m still figuring out my gender identity and i’m not 100% sure where i stand but as of right now i feel as if demigirl is what best suits my identity
          also i’m sorry i’ve been mia senior year sucks ahhhh


Aww it’s ok! Love and will respect the pronouns btw! <3


if you support and try to justify the actions at the u.s. capitol today, unfollow me right now. this is disgusting and is just an example that white privilege continues to exist. blm was antagonized and harassed endlessly for protesting police brutality and wanting to defend peoples’ rights, but when terr0rism takes place and people’s lives are at risk, these are “very special people” according to the person they worship.
          if you support and try to justify the actions at the u.s. capitol today, you are not pro-democracy or even pro-america, you are just anti-equality and pro-fascism.
          if you support and try to justify the actions at the u.s. capitol today, you are one of the worst people imaginable, and i hope you educate yourself on just how wrong you are.


@April_Stardust i feel sick because of how much this upsets me


What’s going on


ay yuh rejected by columbia university ay yuh


@snyderthespider Hold on let me find a way to hug someone through the internet...


I’m so sorry to hear about that. Do you wanna hug?


it’s one thing to argue with your family about politics. but it’s another thing to have your sister use a racial slur in a political argument twice.
          in situations like these, i find it hard to continue to live my life like this. i wish i was born into an accepting and progressive family. i hate this.
          i’ve been trying to come back from a long hiatus due to college applications but the fear from this election and the fear of being disowned by my family has pushed me to a point where i need to focus on my mental health. i’m sorry. i’ll try to come back soon.


@snyderthespider If you ever need someone to talk to, I will always be in your corner.


i haven’t been active mainly bc school is absolutely killing me. anyways i’m gonna try to have updates out as soon as i can but between college applications and ap courses and senior year in general i’m not making any promises :,( sorry guys


not me reading an 800 page book in one week bc a college asked a question about what books i’ve read for fun and i haven’t read books for fun since freshman year 


ik some might think 800 pages in one week is nothing but this is an accomplishment for me :,)


just submitted my first college application and it was v scary
          now i can focus on columbia university and rit
          college apps are scary no cap


@snyderthespider It sounds scary. I'm still in high school so I don't have to worry about that for a few more years.