hey guys sorry its been so long since i last posted. schools finally out so i shud start posting again pretty soon :)... thanks for the patience and for my new fans... u mean alot 2 me
hey guys sorry its been so long since i last posted. schools finally out so i shud start posting again pretty soon :)... thanks for the patience and for my new fans... u mean alot 2 me
okay guys... ik i havent post in FOREVR but i wanted 2 let u kno that i have still been writing and will post next weekend.... it may not b great cuz i havent gotten a chance to edit yet but that can be ur job.... let me know wat needs 2 b changed.... thanx for being patient.
heyyyyy guys..... Ella is #588 on the Whats Hot list... thanx so much but lets get it higher... plz???? im finishing up the next chapter of that right now so it should be posted withing the next hour... and when that gets up plz check it out and let me know what u think... i didn't get any comments on the last post and would really love it if u guys could give me some. :)