
          	tw// pedophilia/CSA
          	regarding cryaotic;
          	like most that is, or was, in the fanbase, i... admittedly have been such a huge fan of cry for years, been watching his videos since 2011/2012. 
          	when i say that i’m devastated, i actually am. not to the extent of his victims, but as someone who found comfort in his channel, who supported him for so long... it hurts.
          	his recent upload in his youtube channel absolutely caught me off guard.
          	the first time i watched it, i was too sleepy to even comprehend the words he was saying and actually thanked him for being open to us, his viewers, about the topic. because, oF cOurSe, to me, it was cryaotic, the one who could do no wrong.
          	to me, it was cry, whom i found comfort in. who was one of the people i drew strength from to accept myself for my sexual identity.
          	it changed when earlier this morning, i watched it again, and finally finally understood.
          	and i was absolutely disgusted. took down my comment.
          	i’ve loved his videos since elementary school, and had the BIGGEST admiration for him. my most favorite Youtuber and gamer, literally the only one i stuck with. i had so much love and admiration for him, so hearing this? seeing all the tweets and comments and knowing how young i was watching his videos and adoring him so much? 
          	i just feel so weird and disgusted and actually sick to my stomach when i realized the gravity of the actions he’s did, even if it is online. online or not, these are real people who suffer from real damages.
          	every bit of me is saying “you grew up idolizing him, it’s difficult being presented with a new fact that completely destroys your perception of who you thought cry would be.”
          	nine-year-old me was so entranced by his voice and his personality and his laugh and was really convinced that this has to be the most gentlemanly, kind-hearted, big brother-esque person ever, for years and suddenly slapped in the face with cruel reality that cryaotic was not.


          	  yes, cry got me through literally the toughest years of my life. and as a fan [ex-fan], the worst part of this whole situation is feeling conflicted, because as many good memories i have of him, all of that is tainted now. i've been watching him for around eight years at this point and i was YOUNG when i started watching him. of course this hurts for everyone, but not as much as it does for his victims.
          	  the only way anyone could convince me that he's changed is that if he takes action and turns himself in.
          	  [i don’t regret supporting him in the past, but as of now, i can’t bear to watch his content or hear his voice anymore.]


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          	  cryaotic deadass admitted to cheating on his underaged girlfriend by being in relations with minors-- doesn’t matter if it’s online, it’s still grooming. it’s not an excuse that you weren't aware of them being minors, it’s your responsibility to know.
          	  you do not groom someone because you have “low-self esteem”, it doesn’t happen bc you’re “immature”.
          	  grooming a child isn’t a mistake, it’s a crime.
          	  i’m absolutely dumbfounded at the amount of people that think this is forgivable and coddling him in the comment section.
          	  i grew up watching his videos, actually idolized the man.
          	  you don't have the right to "forgive" him unless you were one of the victims.
          	  big part of my childhood or not, he has to be held accountable for his crime.
          	  miss me with that "he sounds regretful" bullshit, ever heard of voice acting?
          	  "he at least came forward about it." in that video, he didn’t give the full truth about the situation. lying by omission is still lying.
          	  he gave a half-assed apology video that was four minutes long.
          	  seeing all those people defending him and excusing his behaviour is just as disgusting. stop this blind love and adoration you have for him. he groomed underage fans, used his position in youtube to manipulate and mentally abuse them. you people can’t just sit there and be like “dOnt wOrrY wE fOrGive You” or “wOw yoU’re sOooOOo bRaVe FoR teLLinG uS tHiS.”
          	  because he’s not brave.
          	  he’s doing the bare fucking minimum of admitting his wrongs.
          	  ...could you even call it admitting? he mentioned it like once in the video, and then proceeded to give out excuses.
          	  the ones who are actually brave? the girls he manipulated and hurt. they’re the real brave ones. 
          	  what he did was horrible and disgusting, he needs to be held fucking accountable for his crime. understand what he did and understand just how fucking terrible it was. he. needs. to. be. held. accountable. stop blindly defending and forgiving him.


          tw// pedophilia/CSA
          regarding cryaotic;
          like most that is, or was, in the fanbase, i... admittedly have been such a huge fan of cry for years, been watching his videos since 2011/2012. 
          when i say that i’m devastated, i actually am. not to the extent of his victims, but as someone who found comfort in his channel, who supported him for so long... it hurts.
          his recent upload in his youtube channel absolutely caught me off guard.
          the first time i watched it, i was too sleepy to even comprehend the words he was saying and actually thanked him for being open to us, his viewers, about the topic. because, oF cOurSe, to me, it was cryaotic, the one who could do no wrong.
          to me, it was cry, whom i found comfort in. who was one of the people i drew strength from to accept myself for my sexual identity.
          it changed when earlier this morning, i watched it again, and finally finally understood.
          and i was absolutely disgusted. took down my comment.
          i’ve loved his videos since elementary school, and had the BIGGEST admiration for him. my most favorite Youtuber and gamer, literally the only one i stuck with. i had so much love and admiration for him, so hearing this? seeing all the tweets and comments and knowing how young i was watching his videos and adoring him so much? 
          i just feel so weird and disgusted and actually sick to my stomach when i realized the gravity of the actions he’s did, even if it is online. online or not, these are real people who suffer from real damages.
          every bit of me is saying “you grew up idolizing him, it’s difficult being presented with a new fact that completely destroys your perception of who you thought cry would be.”
          nine-year-old me was so entranced by his voice and his personality and his laugh and was really convinced that this has to be the most gentlemanly, kind-hearted, big brother-esque person ever, for years and suddenly slapped in the face with cruel reality that cryaotic was not.


            yes, cry got me through literally the toughest years of my life. and as a fan [ex-fan], the worst part of this whole situation is feeling conflicted, because as many good memories i have of him, all of that is tainted now. i've been watching him for around eight years at this point and i was YOUNG when i started watching him. of course this hurts for everyone, but not as much as it does for his victims.
            the only way anyone could convince me that he's changed is that if he takes action and turns himself in.
            [i don’t regret supporting him in the past, but as of now, i can’t bear to watch his content or hear his voice anymore.]


this message may be offensive
            cryaotic deadass admitted to cheating on his underaged girlfriend by being in relations with minors-- doesn’t matter if it’s online, it’s still grooming. it’s not an excuse that you weren't aware of them being minors, it’s your responsibility to know.
            you do not groom someone because you have “low-self esteem”, it doesn’t happen bc you’re “immature”.
            grooming a child isn’t a mistake, it’s a crime.
            i’m absolutely dumbfounded at the amount of people that think this is forgivable and coddling him in the comment section.
            i grew up watching his videos, actually idolized the man.
            you don't have the right to "forgive" him unless you were one of the victims.
            big part of my childhood or not, he has to be held accountable for his crime.
            miss me with that "he sounds regretful" bullshit, ever heard of voice acting?
            "he at least came forward about it." in that video, he didn’t give the full truth about the situation. lying by omission is still lying.
            he gave a half-assed apology video that was four minutes long.
            seeing all those people defending him and excusing his behaviour is just as disgusting. stop this blind love and adoration you have for him. he groomed underage fans, used his position in youtube to manipulate and mentally abuse them. you people can’t just sit there and be like “dOnt wOrrY wE fOrGive You” or “wOw yoU’re sOooOOo bRaVe FoR teLLinG uS tHiS.”
            because he’s not brave.
            he’s doing the bare fucking minimum of admitting his wrongs.
            ...could you even call it admitting? he mentioned it like once in the video, and then proceeded to give out excuses.
            the ones who are actually brave? the girls he manipulated and hurt. they’re the real brave ones. 
            what he did was horrible and disgusting, he needs to be held fucking accountable for his crime. understand what he did and understand just how fucking terrible it was. he. needs. to. be. held. accountable. stop blindly defending and forgiving him.


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(Spoilers for 'Sala Samobójców'/'Suicide Room' if you want to watch it.)


          both links lead to the movie & song that fucked me up so much mashed together. 
          1st link's, the original song used; the 2nd's, the remix was used.


@Star_London you can find it in dailymotion 