Hello fellow earthlings. In case you haven't realised this is a joint account started my two precious gems of stupidity, awkwardness and failed relationships. We aren't really expecting anything to happen with this account but if you like the stuff we post by all means keep reading.

Now more about our darling selves.
We have been friends for what 2 years? I really don't know why we haven't thought of this before but we're a bit slow when it come to the whole thinking thing.
We want this blog to be partially anonymous (you can have our genders - both females of the human species- and our names- patience grass hopper) but our ages, where we're from and where we are currently will remain unknown.

This means you don't have to tell us anything about yourselves if you don't want too but whoever you are, where ever your from, whatever sexuality you may be you are welcome here.
Now this is where our one rule comes in
NEVER HATE OR DISCRIMINATE (it even rhymes. That's how you know it's a good rule) If you want to be mean you can leave. Bye bye. This doesn't mean you can't correct our work or have an opinion on it. If you genuinely don't like our work and want to tell us, but do it (get this) NICELY. Woah.

We'll stop now before we start rambling.
Peace love and all that jazz. Bye lovelies thanks for coming (sort of)

️️Ruby and Kayleigh xxx
  • JoinedApril 27, 2015
