My Anconda don't want none unless you're Harry Styles, hun.
I'm a Harold girl.
I'll kill you with feels.
My books are all different. Shay Mitchell&Harry are usually mains. Bc they're both baes in my eyes.
Whale then.

Peace out bitches.
  • Anywhere you want me♡
  • RegistriertJanuary 18, 2014

Letzte Nachricht
sociallyawkwardunipa sociallyawkwardunipa Dec 03, 2014 08:26PM
so i made @bootytwerkharry using twitter and now i can't log back in until wattpad solves their problems so if it's not sorted out by tonight, I might make a new account and rewrite the story plus...
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Let's start over
Love finds it's way through the dark times, right? Emily is a girl with a pure heart and the need to find go...
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