
The Accent Challenge is a challenge where you record yourself answering ten questions when you're tagged by someone, and you then pass the challenge on to three other people. (Put it in a message on your MB. You also change the questions before you post the message, so that everybody has different questions. You can tag someone who already has been tagged before!) 
          	IMPORTANT: If you really don't want to record yourself, you can always type out the answers, but make sure to still do the rest!
          	1. State your name and where you are from.
          	2. What is your favorite thing about Wattpad?
          	3. Who is (are) your Wattpad best friend(s)?
          	4. What is your favorite accent? Is there anyone on Wattpad with this accent?
          	5. Three facts about yourself
          	6. State one fact about yourself?
          	7. What is your favorite book and movie?
          	8. Would you ever like to meet anyone from Wattpad? If so, who?
          	9. What are your hobbies?
          	10. State something about love, something inspirational.
  bare with me
          	i was tagged by the awesome @yufannx 
          	i tag @_GothicGirl both Andy and Mira @laheys @batsygirl @clarityy @itsjoshua @infinitxkelly @illuminated_ @jillyshade @EdenWolfblood @So_Happily @visage _ 


@jillyshade. It's funnnn u should. ha e seen me I was redder tban a tomato


@Batsygirl. Thankssssss <3 american is HAWT